Top 3 Indonesian Traditional Drinks, Must Try!

Top Traditional Indonesian Drinks

What to drink in Indonesia? Try these Indonesian drinks!

Are you planning to visit Indonesia? Or have you already stayed in Indonesia and are currently exploring more interesting destinations? Well, your travel experience in Indonesia won’t be complete if you haven’t tried the Indonesian traditional foods and drinks.

Not only delicious foods, as everyone has already known. For example like Rendang that is known as the World’s 50 Best Foods. Indonesia also has a variety of refreshing drinks to sip, gulp and enjoy. Most of them have rich health benefits. Traditional Indonesian drinks are formulated from natural ingredients such as fruit and spices. These special drinks also known for their unforgettable taste that will enhance your travel experience at its finest.

For those of you who craved to taste the freshness of these specialty drinks. Here are 3 most popular drinks that are worth tasting:

Es Kelapa Muda

Top Traditional Indonesian Drinks - Es Kelapa Muda

One of the most popular Indonesian drink. You can easily find es kelapa muda in many nearby local restaurants. It’s basically chilled young coconut juice with coconut slices. Some restaurants also combined it with colored syrup. it is best enjoyed with your favorite Indonesian food because of its fresh taste that lasts through your whole meal. Es kelapa muda is Indonesian tradition at its finest and purest.

Fun Fact: CNN highlighted Es Kelapa Muda as the 19th spot in their list of World’s 50 Most Delicious Drinks.

Bir Pletok

Top Traditional Indonesian Drinks - Bir Pletok

Which Indonesian city are you visiting? Is this in Jakarta? Then you should try this signature drink, which is known for its strong spice aroma and bright red color. Despite its name “bir” which translated as “beer”, this drink doesn’t contain any alcohol at all. Its ingredients are cinnamon, ginger, lemongrass, cloves, and many other spices. Bir pletok has a hot spicy, fragrant, and warming taste. It’s also known to boost immunity and help with mild flu.


Top Traditional Indonesian Drinks - Bajigur

Last but not least. The next traditional Indonesian drink is “bajigur” from West Java. This hot beverage has organic ingredients including palm sugar, coconut milk, ginger, and a variety of spices. Bajigur is effective in maintaining the digestive system. What’s more, controlling blood pressure. Additionally, bajigur are also provided in available in sachet packaging. You can bring some to your home and enjoy it together with your friends and family. Where to find them? You can easily find it in the nearby mini market or even a local small shop. Otherwise, you can also buy it through various online shops.

So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and enjoy these top 3 Indonesian traditional drinks! Kindly find and check other information about Indonesian food and beverages or even other travelling destinations below. Hope this can help you gain insight for the best of your travel experience.

Check out other hidden gem foods you should try!

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